Workshop on Choral Music in Venice during the Renaissance


The Venetian polychoral style was a type of music of the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras which involved spatially separate choirs singing in alternation. It represented a major stylistic shift from the prevailing polyphonic writing of the middle Renaissance, and was one of the major stylistic developments which led directly to the formation of what we now know as the Baroque style.


My proposal for a Masterclass for choir singers and conductors is based on:

1 – Historical aspects
2 – Studying of the main composers
3 – Problems related to the appropriate performance practice
4 – Singing and conducting the repertoire


A. Willaert: Regina coeli
C. De Rore: O crux benedicta
C. De Rore: Mia benigna fortuna
A. Gabrieli: Maria Magdalena
A. Gabrieli: O Rex Gloriae
A. Gabrieli: Ave Regina caelorum
G. Gabrieli: Hodie Christus natus est
C. Monteverdi: Hor che’l ciel
L. Marenzio: Ahi, dispietata morte
L. Marenzio: Crudele, acerba 


I will provide to send in advance all the music scores and the midi files.
The Masterclass will be 20/25 hours long to divide in 4 or 5 consecutive days.

Material needed: video-projector, stereo system, photocopies, music-stand.