
I am available to lead workshops, master-classes for Choirs, Universities, Organizations…

My experience in this field is huge, having worked for many years with Peter Phillips (the conductor of the Tallis Scholars) at the Rimini International Choral Workshop. I usually lead masterclasses in all the world. I like to teach renaissance and contemporary choral music which is, in my opinion, the best repertoire for a capella choir.

Usually a workshop lasts 4-5 days. The choir works with me on a selected repertoire that I send some month before my arrival. At the end of the workshop there is always a public concert where the choir performs the studied repertoire.

Here are some proposals for a masterclass:

I can work alone or with Lykke Anholm, a wonderful vocal coach who collaborates with me from many time. To book a workshop with me just fill the form here below. I will be in touch with you in due course.