English Language / Technique

Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli

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The story behind the composition of Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli is one of the most famous – and least proven – in music history. As the story goes, the liturgical politics of […]


English Language / Opinions

Singing together is a medicine for our heart

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Whoever is part of a choir will probably know this already: singing together can be a positive experience, not only from a psychological point of view, but also from a physical one. […]


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Pescespada Mediterraneo

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Il pescespada del Mediterraneo è un pesce azzurro dal sapore abbastanza forte, basta però trovare la ricetta giusta per cucinarlo e renderlo molto delicato. Quella che vi propongo di seguito, fidatevi lo […]


English Language / Tecnica

Singing, In Style, Renaissance Vocal Music

Renaissance vocal music does not seem to be an integral and faithful derivation of polymnia, but rather appears to have progressed logically out of the medieval trends. More evolutionary than revolutionary, the […]


English Language / Technique

Clemens: Ego flos campi!

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Jacobus Clemens Non Papa’s Marian motet ‘Ego flos campi’ (I am the flower of the field) can confidently be dated to autumn 1550. Clemens was employed for a few months during the autumn of […]


English Language / Technique

Performance Practice of the Renaissance Music

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Basic Assumptions Not only one way to perform music of this period; much freedom is allowed. Little or no distinction is found between instrumental and vocal styles; they are usually interchangeable. Need […]